Solutions > Researchers


As a researcher, you face many different challenges. We're demonstrating that access to deeper, more robust clinical data generates more powerful evidence and answers questions not previously possible.

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More Powerful Evidence. Deeper Clinical Insights.

In healthcare, results really do matter. So, we’ve created a whole new way to measure and predict them. Yes, we have big data, but we also have big goals like how to quickly, accurately and more cost effectively get to research grade information on effectiveness, value, safety, and more. Sound interesting?

Our intelligent data cloud enables pharmaceutical and medical device companies and other researchers to:

  • Generate more powerful real-world evidence, using deeper clinical data, more quickly
  • Answer challenging questions that impact approval, reimbursement, and usage
  • Link outcomes to value using relevant data and standardized measures for understanding risk and tracking performance with outcomes-based models
  • Develop stronger commercial and market strategies
  • Track individual patient journeys across the care continuum
  • Access analytics for targeted cohorts
  • Measure and benchmark therapeutic outcomes

How can we help you?

Learn more about our solutions for researchers.

Reimagine Real-World Evidence

Gain deeper insights into comparative effectiveness, market dynamics, patterns, predictors, patient adherence, and more with access to targeted condition cohorts.

Outcomes-Based Contracting

Better inform, measure and meet risk-sharing and value-based agreements.

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