Showing 21-25 of 35 :
Putting Real-World Data & AI to Work for Rare Diseases

Thu, Feb 25, 2021 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST Register Accessibility to real-world data (RWD) and advances in artificial intelligence (AI) driven models and technologies make a powerful combination in advancing research and development efforts. So how do we use these new tools to tackle the challenges in developing and launching new treatments for[…]

Analysis of Real-Word Data in Cardiovascular Disease: Missing Data and Predictive Modeling

Tues. January 26, 2021 2:00-3:00 PM Register Real-world data (RWD) is playing an increasing role in health care decisions, especially with cardiovascular conditions such as heart failure where risk of mortality is high and comorbidities, varying symptom presentation, and disease progression drastically determine treatment pathways and outcomes. Join OM1’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Gary Curhan[…]

RWD for R&D and Market Access in Autoimmune and Chronic Diseases

Thu. Nov. 19, 2020 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Register From accelerating clinical trials and gaining regulatory approval to expanding access and understanding market needs, this webinar will cover the basics of what makes real-world data regulatory and research grade and how it can transform your R&D and market access programs for autoimmune and other[…]

Pearls and Pitfalls in Analyzing RWD for Autoimmune Diseases

Thu. Sep 10, 2020 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT Register Real-world data (RWD) is playing an increasing role in health care decisions, especially with autoimmune diseases where diagnosis can be difficult and there is no cure. Despite the promises of RWD to improve our understanding of the natural history of these diseases and to[…]

RWD for Research & Regulatory: Collecting, Processing and Leveraging High-Quality Data

Tuesday, March 31 – 1:00 – 2:00 pm ET Register The promise of real-world data is driving increased requirements and use. But, what does high-quality RWD actually look like? How should life sciences companies access and use it most effectively? What are the implications when applying RWD to clinical trials, registries, and other evidence and[…]