Harness AI-Powered Digital Phenotyping for Actionable Insights with PhenOM®

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Run assays against existing profiles

Creating digital phenotypic ‘fingerprints’

PhenOM® is an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered digital phenotyping platform trained using OM1’s repository of linked EMR, claims and other data covering more than 300 million patients. The richness of the source data lets these phenotypes capture many complex facets of the target patients’ journeys.

Digital phenotypes are built from complex signals and interactions shared by patients with similar conditions, characteristics, or outcomes that can help distinguish these patients from others. PhenOM isolates these patterns and synthesizes them into unique ‘fingerprints’ that help highlight patients of interest. PhenOM runs on patented AI technology and is built for medical explainability and real-world deployment.

Learn how to put PhenOM to use


Understand the patient journey from end to end

OM1 Orion AI

Unlock deep insights into diagnoses, disease progression, distinctive subpopulations, and utilization throughout the patient journey.


OM1 Lyra AI

Generate and stratify personalized insights around diagnosis, care management, and risk in clinical applications to improve patient access to treatment and downstream outcomes.


OM1 Polaris AI

Leverage predicted outcomes to highlight, stratify, and locate patients, investigators, and sites, adding insight to trial design and improving chances for enrollment and trial completion success.


Discover hidden patient phenotypic signatures to highlight patients of interest


PhenOM phenotypic signatures



Explore PhenOM in action

Treatment Insights

Diagnostic Insights





Diagnostic Insights

Treatment Insights





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