Bipolar I Disorder (BPDI)

Longitudinal, multi-source, curated datasets, offering rapid access to deep clinical data, insights and outcomes in BPDI.

Research-Grade RWD in BPDI

Unmet Need

An estimated 4.4% of U.S. adults experience Bipolar Disorder at some time in their lives (NIMH), with an estimated total annual national economic burden of more than $195 billion (NIH).


BPDI patients with deep clinical data prospectively followed by Mental Health specialists with mean follow-up 7.5 years (98% with linked EMR & claims)

*Counts complete through Q2 2024

2.9 Million*

BPDI patients in the OM1 Real-World Data Cloud that can be used for modeling, analysis, and other research purposes


A Closer Look at the BPDI Network

2.9 Million total Bipolar I Disorder patients in OM1 Real-World Data Cloud


Publications on Bipolar Disorder

Peer-Reviewed Journal: Doane M, Bessonova L, Friedler H, Mortimer K, Cheng H, Brecht T, O’Sullivan A, Cummings H, McDonnell D, Meyer J. Weight Gain and Comorbidities Associated With Oral Second-Generation Antipsychotics: Analysis of Real-World Data for Patients With Bipolar I Disorder or Schizophrenia. BMC Psychiatry. 2022; 22(114).


Award-Winning Research Team

Our team of award-winning researchers have authored hundreds of publications, including scientific posters, articles in peer-reviewed journals, white papers, and books.

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