Showing 11-15 of 26 value-based care & risk-sharing:
Beyond Harmonization: Implementing Standardized Outcome Measures to Support Value-Based Care

October 21, 2020- ISPOR In a recent blog post from ISPOR, Richard Gliklich, CEO of OM1 and Michelle Leavy, MPH, Head of Health Policy at OM1 detail how Implementing Standardized Outcome Measures Supports Value-Based Care. Value-based care has received significant attention in recent years as an approach to improving patient outcomes while controlling healthcare costs.[…]

How can AI and RWD work together to improve understanding of chronic diseases? Q&A with Kathryn Starzyk, Head of RWE at OM1

August 13, 2020- Aetion In a recent interview, Kathryn Starzyk, epidemiologist and Head of Real-World Evidence (RWE) at OM1, shared what makes OM1’s data unique, and how she and her team partner with biopharma and health systems to generate RWE that helps researchers better understand patient journeys in disease areas including rheumatology and immunology. Read on[…]

Applying AI for personalized treatment decisions and lowering costs in orthopedics

Becker’s Spine Review | Written by Richard Gliklich, MD, CEO, OM1 | November 26, 2018 In healthcare, results really matter Understanding why certain treatments and procedures work better on some patients and not so well on others is the key to delivering more personalized care and ultimately achieving better results for all stakeholders in the care process.[…]

Achieving a Win-Win for Pharma and Payers in Contracting Agreements

Published on PM360, April 2, 2018 The shift to value-based care and outcomes contracting type programs present the opportunity to align stakeholder interests around value and demonstrate a commitment to improving clinical and cost outcomes. From earlier detection to more precision management, the opportunities for pharma to partner around outcomes and value are growing. Win-wins[…]

Big Data: Hoax or Hero in Real-World Evidence for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases?

On this webinar, Dr. Richard Gliklich, CEO of OM1, discussed the evolving role of big data and cognitive computing in generating real-world evidence for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. This session explored how innovative methodologies and technologies can be applied to support safety, value, and commercial strategies. Topics covered included: New real-world evidence methodologies and approaches[…]